Interview dans la revue Area N°32/33 - 2017


Texte d' Emmanuel Moyne, Avocat au Barreau de Paris et collectionneur,
 dans "Une Esthétique Urbaine graffeurs d'Europe" de Claire Calogirou 
(chercheur au CNRS et Conservateur au MUCEM) - 2012


Connaissance des Arts - Hors série - 2009


"Art Gallery Connexion" Portraits d'artistes - Philippe Bonan - 2014


"Graffiti une histoire en image" Eyrolles - 2011


Beat the clock - 2008


For more than two decades, Rap ran the game. Before this name and having this super raw style, he first went by several others like Vans, Vesho, Vog, Club... Mid '90s he made the switch to this child like aesthetic when co-creating the UV (Ultra Violent) with the likes of Fuzi, Sit, Salo and later Trane. For years he was the train and subway master. Doing tons of them, and spreading a myth of fear and violence around him and his partners. A true King.

Thibault Choay (Classic Paris) pour - 2011

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